Tuesday, February 19, 2008

styles in graphic design

Pop Art
Retro Modern (contemporary style: resurgence of 50's Modern)
from http://vwplusvw1500.blogspot.com/2007_05_01_archive.html

Nostalgic Remix (contemporary style inspired by the grandma's antiques)from http://www.shinybinary.com/from http://www.jp33.com/print.html

Monday, February 18, 2008

a peculiar parallelism

In our daily observation we can’t help but relate seemingly unrelated things together. In order to make sense of new surroundings and experiences, our brain draws on familiar symbols to “categorize” new unformed meanings. This graphic design challenge will utilize your Photoshop skills to develop a convincing correlation between nature and the man-made. To begin, perform a photographic study of a single found object in nature and a single found man-made object. Choose wisely. The objects must be small enough to isolate from their environment. Using the principles of design as guidelines (line, shape, form, balance, progression, hierarchy, movement, etc.), graphically ponder, suggest, juxtapose, or investigate the formal correlation between the single found nature object and the single man-made object. Purposely imitate one of the graphic layouts that you analyzed for class.

Anna Roe produced a fun and well done composition. Her blog reveals a logical progression in her design process. The ad (bottom image) inspired her composition layout.

Moods a Many

Each students pulled a mood out of a hat and was asked to create a digital composition that evokes the mood. This was challenging for the class because their Photoshop skills were still in early development.

"love" Lynnet Sprague

"affection" Sarah Bateman

Saturday, February 2, 2008


Listed below are a series of lectures and trips planned for the CAD seminar class, which Tina would like to open to the IAR 212 students too:

Thursday, February 7
Presentation in Room 303 on Macromedia Flash by Seth Ellis, Art Department, UNCG

Thursday, February 14
Trip to NC State Furniture Manufacturing Center to look at their Rapid Prototyping and CNC Milling machines

Thursday, February 21
Presentation in Room 303 by Dr. Roy Stine in Room 303, Geography Department, UNCG

Thursday, February 28
Trip to Duke University's DiVE center, a Virtual Reality Facility
(for the Duke University tour, we will have to limit the number of people who can go. So it will be on a first come, first served basis.)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

pattern perception

"Pattern Perception" makes for a great introduction to Adobe Photoshop. Students were asked to take a single photograph of architecture and manipulate, cut and paste it into a pattern inspired by nature. Denise Smith (image above) did an excellent job using a city skyline to create a familiar pattern found in nature.